Wednesday 29 February 2012

Definition of Development:
Development could be explained as “fierce” process, with “Blood, sweat, and tears”. It is the world in which wisdom demands toughness. (Amartya Sen, Development as freedom, chap2.)

According to Anna Dickson, Development is “an ongoing process of qualitatively ameliorated social, political, and economic change” (Robert O’Brien, Marc William, Global Economic Change).

  • Political freedom (free and fair elected Institutions, Humans rights)
  • Economic Facilities (Production, consumption, Exchange)
  • Social Opportunities (Good jobs, Higher Education, Health Care)
  • Transparency guaranty (No corruption or Fiscal Paradise)


There are many different definitions of sustainable development.
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meets their own needs.”
There are three interdependent pillars of sustainable development: 
  1. Environmental
  2. Economical
  3. Social
Source: World Commission on environment and development, Oxford University Press


The United Nation has promoted Political and Economical Institutions and
Values. Democracy, the market, protecting human rights. Egalitarianism as the
Route of the prosperity to the rest of the World. (Culture, Democracy and
Development by Deepak LAL, IMF, september20, 1999).

The relationship between Politics Is the Policies of the IMF and the World Bank in Africa.
In Sub-Sahara Africa the IMF politics of Development achieved growth rates during 1995-1997:
  • Reducing and containing inflationary pressures.
  • Increasing ratio of domestic saving to GDP.
  • Strengthening Fiscal Performance
  • Increasing private sector Investment
  • Improving Export performance
  • Restructuring public expenditures
(International Monetary Funds, August 2000) 

Example of the World Bank – Mauritania: Women Microfinance
Mauritania is helping its tens of thousands of urban poor by creating job opportunities where there once were none. A microfinance program is giving small loans to inner city residents to start small businesses, most of them run by women.

by Djibril 

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