Wednesday 29 February 2012

Contrasts in development within individual countries in the developing world

I just came across this article about development and health from the BBC, which I found very interesting and fitting into our topic. On page one the question of 'what is development' is raised, the next page shows the models of development, mentioning Rostow's model as well as comparing South Korea and Burkina Faso. Page three and four are about using development indicators and development differences between countries, providing questions for the reader to think about.

Focus on page five, there you will find a video showing a case study of Brazil, which is a good example of a country which has wide regional variations in development.The video shows the dimensions of development; how different development can be, to which extent it can vary in one country and, that it certainly does vary in most of the countries. Besides, it shows that the gap between rich and poor still exists and probably is going to stay.

For them who would like to test what the learned and already knew about development and health care, try your best making this quiz.

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