Tuesday, 28 February 2012

SSL on Development this Thursday!

Helen’s Blog for SSL on Development – Thursday 1st March

Hello Everybody!

I wanted to post a few links and provide some background information for what i’ll be discussing in mine and Rachel’s presentation about Development this Thursday. I will be concentrating on explaining what the relationship is between development and the political to you. Hopefully in a coherent way!!!!

I have split my part of our presentation into two sections. Firstly I will explain the external political factors of the relationship and then go on to explain the internal. Sorry if that sounds cryptic but i’ll provide more detail on the day!

·         I will be referring to Truman’s Inaugural Speech from 1949 and the 4 Points he outlined concerning development. If you get chance to read through it please think about the US situation at the time these points were written because I will be asking for suggestions from you for why the US pursued international development after World War 2 during the presentation.

 Here’s a link for Truman’s inaugural speech - http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/50yr_archive/inagural20jan1949.htm

If that doesn’t work go to www.trumanlibrary.org and type in ‘Truman’s Inaugural Speech 1949’ into the search engine at the top of the page!

·         Later on I will be speaking about DFID, the UK government’s Department for International Development, and what they do. I will be working from the website during the presentation so you don’t necessarily have to know anything about them beforehand but here’s the link to their web site for anybody who’s interested – www.dfid.gov.uk

Most developed countries now have development agencies or departments within government and I will refer to this point to highlight the importance of international politics in development. However I won’t have time to go into detail about specific development departments during the presentation. I have listed a random few below, with web addresses, which I found through a simple Google search of Development Agencies in case you want to have a closer look. They can be translated by doing a google search and clicking on ‘translate this page’ underneath the link.

US Agency on International Development (US Aid) – www.usaid.gov

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – www.giz.de

Australian Agency for International Development – www.ausaid.gov.au

Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation – www.sida.se

·         Within Internal Political factors I will discuss political development and be asking why is political development important for achieving economic and social development? And will be asking if anybody has any suggestions!

·         Finally (phew!), I will be making reference to NEPAD (The New Partnership for Africa’s Development) but will again not have time to go into detail so here’s their web address for anybody interested to know more about them – www.nepad.org

·          We will be using a video of Amartya Sen discussing International Development to conclude our presentation so I thought it would be good to give some background information on him.

Professor Amartya Sen is an Indian economist and is currently professor of Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University, but was until recently the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and is respected as one of the best academics in his field. He has written a number of books on development, his main areas of research being economic development, welfare economics, public health, gender studies and moral and political philosophy. Chapter 2 of his book Development as Freedom is listed as a reading for Week 5 of our module! He has been the Honourary President for OXFAM and has contributed a huge amount in understanding and achieving economic, political and social development in under developed countries. In 1998 he won the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences.

A full autobiography of Amartya Sen can be found on the Nobel Prize website, the link is listed here - http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/1998/sen-autobio.html

That’s it until Thursday. I hope what i’ve written hasn’t been too complicated to understand but do not worry if you don’t because I will be referring to and explaining all the information listed above in the presentation!

Helen McFeely

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