Wednesday 14 March 2012

Good afternoon!
We want to show you some videos during our SSL tomorrow but probably we will not be able to see them all, just some parts. So here is the link for video of globalization:

There are many interesting pages about globalization and as you will hear tomorrow it is difficult to find the best definition, here is the web where you can find many interesting facts about it, including tables and charts and articles:

Our second part is about The World Bank.
We will tell you about structure, goals and strategies of this institution. Here is the link with the six strategic themes:,,contentMDK:20040565~menuPK:1696892~pagePK:51123644~piPK:329829~theSitePK:29708,00.html

The WB has large database of statistics about developing countries. You can find there different indicators. So maybe you will find it useful for example for your essays:

Thank you
See you tomorrow
Lenka & Oona

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